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FDA Seizes Large Quantity Of Tramadol And Other Drugs

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has seized large quantity of Tramadol and other drugs which are not permitted to be sold over the counter.

Mrs. Nora Narkie Terlabie, the Ashanti Regional Head, told journalists this followed a market surveillance it mounted in the region.

The confiscated drugs are to be sold on prescription but the over-the counter drug sellers and even some of the pharmacy shops are refusing to comply with the law.

Mrs. Terlabie said what was even more disturbing was that these were in dosages far beyond what was permissible.

The shops have been selling Tramadol – a synthetic analgesic, in dosages of 120 milligrams (mg) and 225mg, over and above 50mg and 100mg, registered by the FDA to be sold only on prescription by a qualified medical officer.

The offenders have been referred to the Pharmacy Council for appropriate sanctions.

Mrs. Terlabie said the Authority was working together with the police to arrest drug peddlers, dealing in Tramadol and other unregistered drugs.

She added that a number of such people had already been caught.

This was part of a stepped up effort to check the abuse of the analgesic drug and other related drugs, especially by the young people.

The FDA was also intensifying public education to help everybody to have better understanding of the health risks.

Many are increasing taking to the use of Tramadol just to enhance their sexual performance, relief pain, drift to deep restful sleep and euphoria.

Mrs. Terlabie, however, cautioned that its abuse had side effects – impotence, loss of interest in sex, constipation, noisy breathing, slow down the heartbeat and drowsiness.

She underlined the resolve of the FDA to go the extra mile to get things under control.

Source: GNA

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